As humanitarian reception Phone Number List centers. The same thing happened at the Catholic University, which was entered by an anti-riot group violating its autonomy. On the fourth day, and in an attempt to calm the waters, the government announced the publication of executive decree 452 and the signing of ministerial agreement 0069, with which it partially responded to two of the Conaie requests. With the decree, the government promised to Phone Number List intensify the interventions and operations to control the prices of essential products and to sanction those who fail to comply with fair payments to banana producers. On the fifth day of the Phone Number List strike, there was a day of strong clashes in.
The province of Chimborazo that Phone Number List ended, according to the Confederation of the Chimborazo Indigenous Movement , with 40 injured, two of them seriously. The latter would have been hit by pellets, despite the fact that the police stated that they were "willing not to use firearms or lethal ammunition." At night, the Phone Number List President of the Republic declared a state of emergency in three provinces: Pichincha, Cotopaxi and Imbabura. The decree had two versions. Initially, one circulated that included a restriction on the right to freedom of information Phone Number List that could imply the suspension of fixed, mobile and Internet telecommunications services. In addition.
The handling of "duly classified" information Phone Number List was limited, reserved or restricted circulation through social media, social networks and communicational content. And the progressive use of force, including lethal force, was enabled. Finally, before the wave of voices that warned of the violation of constitutional rights, the government Phone Number List stated that, despite having the president's signature, what had been circulated was "a draft" and that the final version did not contain these controversial articles. However, this motivated the convening of the National Assembly to deal with the repeal of the decree. The Constitution contemplates the Phone Number List possibility that the Parliament can "revoke the decree at any.