In a country where territorial administration is governed by racially typed federal regional standards, the incubation period for conflict is not surprising. Although the Oromos and Amharas are the largest in numbers, Ethiopia's "world politics" has been dominated by the Tigrays for nearly 20 years. This comes after 1991, when a coup d'état - which would end 17 years of communist rule - would overthrow Amhara legend Haile Mariam Mengistu. After the coup, he went into exile in Zimbabwe, where the late Robert Mugabe still lives.
Individualism is part of 20th century African mythology. So much so that in order for Mengistu to enter the Olympus of Ethiopian politics, he had to go Fax Number List viral in 1974 and overthrow the "new theocracy" of Haile Selassie, another living legend at the time. Along with Mengistu, the pro-Soviet Derg (Provisional Military Administrative Council) was born, and in 1987 it was renamed the Ethiopian People's Democratic Republic.
In this context, the politics of national construction and territorial management based on the complex "national" politics of the Soviet era began to take shape. However, instead of peacefully developing Ethiopia after Selassie, ethnic and ideological armed groups will vie for control of the country in a deep civil war. Thus, in 1991, Ethiopia experienced the end of its own Cold War. Mengistu at the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front.