The different expressions of the national right, from the center-Country Email List right of Mesa to the new autonomist extreme right of the Santa Cruz leader Luis Fernando Camacho, had achieved a unity of action against the MAS in 2019, which led to the coup and the fall of the government Country Email List of Evo Morales . He then operated a successful division of tasks. Mesa, second in the 2019 presidential elections, was the one who ignored the result, called for "resistance" and denounced "a Country Email List monumental fraud" inside and outside the country.
Camacho was the one who commanded a civic strike in Santa Cruz and Country Email List who carried out, as he himself would admit shortly after, the illegal actions with the military and police. They were joined by Democrats – at that time the main party in Santa Cruz, but which had not r Country Email List eached 5% of the votes in the October 2019 elections –, to which Senator Jeanine Añez belonged, who ended up in the Presidency. But the Country Email List honeymoon is short-lived: the unity cracked into three presidential candidacies, those of Mesa, Camacho and Añez (who finally declined his candidacy). Under the management of the latter, there were.
Liolent repressions that ended with more than three dozen deaths and Bolivia Country Email List experienced poor government management, plagued by accusations of corruption, amid the ravages of the covid-19 pandemic. However, the citizen sanction was shared and Country Email List affected the different expressions of the space opposed to the MAS: the opposition, as a whole in charge of the country, was associated with the setback in terms of coexistence, the new rise of ethnic discrimination and the bad economic results. With this antecedents, Some compared data In the general elections of 2014, for example, the MAS obtained 61.3% of the votes, and the second force, the Country Email List Democratic Unity alliance (UD), with Samuel Doria.