Brand locations have little visibility in branded search while hospitality and travel which includes fast food chains and travel agencies among others are just visible through branding. How do these results come about They depend on what role brand awareness plays in the respective industry. whether a product or service differentiates itself enough from the competition that it increases the need for branded search. whether it is a B B or B C brand as recognition makes a difference here. Local online search visibility is increasing We examined the locations in our study over a period of one year and found that the average visibility for global brands increased remarkably increase in branded search increase in unbranded search Interactions like clicks calls and directions have also increased Increase interactions with global brands by.
Why is this knowledge so important Basically more visibility whatsapp mobile number list leads to more interaction which in turn leads to more store visits and more sales. When global brands apply this principle to thousands of locations it means enormous growth overall but also for the brand itself. Online visibility is thus a growth indicator for global brands with many locations. But she also points out that Google is prioritizing growth in local search and local ads. Even if the rules for local online visibility are constantly changing due to the Google algorithm we can say that online visibility for global brands is increasing. This applies when.
Specialized third party providers can increase visibility and interaction of global brands The locations examined all belong to our customers. We looked at your online visibility over a year months before and months after you became our customer. The results more visibility compared to before Uberall more interactions compared to before Uberall more visibility in Unbranded Search in the previous period the value only increased by Summary Three results stand out in our study Local search visibility is increasing for both branded search and unbranded search A specialized solution provider massively impacts online visibility growth On average brands were able to double the interactions on their Google My Business profiles through Uberall That means It is vital for global brands to ensure their growth strategy takes the local level into account the potential is there and the rewards are just waiting.